Surfacing medical technologies that are making an impact in the rapidly changing landscape of medicine.
MedTech Impact aims to highlight innovation in the medical technology market, and reward your personal on the ground successes, small and big; and on the ground ideas of how you are adapting to this changing environment.
The Quadruple Impact Challenge is open to all interested parties, including healthcare professionals and practitioners, engineers, inventors, developers and entrepreneurs. Anyone with an innovative idea about how to leverage technology to transform the healthcare industry is welcome to apply. Entries can be based in the technological process—whether related to software or hardware—or can focus on an educational aspect, process improvement, or even a policy change.
This is an open call for on the ground solutions or ideas that are creating impact, big and small, in the changing environment of medicine. We are specifically looking for innovative ways to deliver care, new ways to connect patients with their own data and the care team, and interesting use of medical devices and wearables to gather data.
A grand prize of $10,000 will be awarded to the winner of the 2017 Challenge.
The online entry form will be available in June, 2017.